Playing In the Snow

Well, let’s start off by telling you about how my brother and I made a snowman. It was kind of funny because I asked my brother if he wanted to build a snowman and he said “No, I’m playing my video games”, I was like “Okay, then don’t ask me to come outside”. Of course, when I started going out the door, my brother came running out on the porch (yelling) “I’m coming too!”. I was like “Come on then!”. It was definitely really cold outside, when we jumped off the porch, we both accidentally fell because the snow was so deep we did not realize how far down the ground actually was from the porch. The snow was really fluffy, like a feathery pillow, but so very cold. When we both started getting up, we were giggling so much that we fell over laughing. After our little giggling session, we went to make our snowman. But…. my brother and I decided to make mini snowmen because we wanted to see how small we can make them but still be able to see that they are actually snowmen and not just little piles of snow on the ground. Unfortunately, we were not able to make them at all because the snow was too fluffy and would not stay together enough. We then decided to try and make snow angels since the mini snowmen were not working. My brother laid down in the snow first and made one, I helped him out so there would not be any footprints in it. Then it was my turn, I laid down in the cold fluffy snow and began making mine. I got snow down the neck of my jacket and in my boots, it was so cold I screamed while my brother laughed at me. Now it was my brother’s turn to help me out, unfortunately, my brother is six years old and weighs about eighty pounds, so when he tried to help me out I accidentally pulled him down. We both started laughing so hard we began to cry. Needless to say, my snow angel was not perfect, but my brother and I had fun and made memories that will last forever. 

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