
If you had three wishes, what would they be?. Let me tell you mine. My first wish would be… to have people be nice to each other even if your a different color, speak a different language, come from a different country, I just wish people would be nice. My second wish would be… to have COVID-19 disappear, it’s killed so many families, friends, people you don’t know, people that wanted nothing to deal with COVID. I just wish that COVID-19 didn’t even start, it’s the worst thing, I think, that people have encountered in history. My third wish would be… to find a cure for any Cancer, my little cousin has bone cancer and she is only 10. Cancer is one of the top things I hate and many other people do too. You can get Cancer at any age and I hate that, especially since it choose my little cousin and that makes me very mad. These are my three wishes, what is yours?. Tell me in the comments in the top left hand corner. Have a great day and stay safe!. Also, I used Canva to make the image!

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